SWS @ Home

St Wystan’s is proud to deliver an outstanding education. Even in these unprecedented times with COVID-19, we continue to do so. We are committed to providing the best possible education in the form of ‘remote learning’. As a School community, we are extremely proud of the learning provisions our staff members have previously provided for the pupils of St Wystan’s, and this is something that will continue, in order to get the best out of your child.

From Thursday 7th January 2021, we welcome children into Nursery, as well as continuing to offer places for those children in priority groups, with the learning continuing for all St Wystan’s pupils at home. We aim to provide a remote education that provides pupils with opportunities to explore and develop their own values and beliefs, spiritual awareness, high standards of personal behaviour, a positive caring attitude towards other people, an understanding of their social and cultural traditions and an appreciation of the diversity and richness of other cultures.

The way remote learning has been handled this time has been as before, very professional and I continue to be impressed with how much you and all the staff are managing under such difficult circumstances.

The commitment to keeping the lovely inclusive feel of the school going, through Form video chats, loom videos and the weekly assembly has been wonderful and we’ve all loved sitting on a Friday, seeing everyone’s faces and hearing how the other students and staff are doing! Thank you!

A timetable and structure is wonderful, but so are those rare moments that lead to awe and wonder! It’s worth bearing in mind that effective learning should never be confrontational but arise out of interest, curiosity and passion. Learning should be fun and we are here to work with you.

Some families may choose a more blended approach, selecting activities they prioritise for their child given their strengths, weaknesses or interests. Other families may turn to even less formality with learning being hands on, practical and driven through navigating real-life challenges or experiences.