Form 6 Travel Back to Wartime Britain

Throughout the Spring Term, Form 6 have been incredibly busy at both home and School. Their topic was the Second World War and they have been learning about what life was like in wartime Britain.

St Wystan’s provides opportunities for pupils to explore topic areas which allow a greater depth of understanding in each curriculum area that are both relatable and exciting. To find out more about the academic curriculum in the Prep School, please click here.

Anderson Shelters

Miss Law was wowed by their fantastic home-learning DT projects, creating their own model Anderson Shelters. Each class member designed a sturdy structure before adding texture and decoration to make it look realistic, Form 6 set to work and the results were fantastic! Some pupils even tested out their models, dropping objects on them to see if they could withstand an ‘air raid’!


As well as this, Form 6 have enjoyed learning about rationing, with many pupils trying out some wartime recipes at home! Lord Woolton Pie and Bread and butter pudding were firm favourites and very tasty but we also learned how families had to be creative with their cooking during the war, due to shortages of certain foods and rationing. Many of us agreed that we would find it hard to have limited amounts of foods… especially chocolate! 

End of Term VE Day Celebration

To bring our topic to a close, today we enjoyed a WWII themed day, dressing up as evacuees and enjoying our very own VE Day party, complete with cakes, jelly and even some Spam! What a fun-filled end to our topic!

If you would like further information or to talk to a member of staff, please contact our Operations Manager, Mrs Alex Hardwick on 01283 703258 or email operations@stwystans.org.uk.

Categories: Prep School
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