St Wystan Stars on Radio Repton

Although the pandemic has had a drastic impact on all our lives, there has been plenty of positives to have also come out of the period. During the initial lockdown, The Repton Covid Support Group set up a fantastic community initiative, called Radio Repton. The local radio station offers a range of programmes for you to enjoy. Made by people within the Repton neighbourhood and offers a real local flavour. Every Saturday a new schedule is released, there are some regular features and some completely new!

As a result of Radio Repton, more and more pupils from St Wystan’s Prep School have created content for everyone to enjoy. From jokes, storytelling to piano playing, the children have been a huge hit. Andrea Balderston, organiser of Radio Repton remarks how grateful she and the local listeners are for the St Wystan’s pupil involvement. “Their efforts bring a lot of joy and that’s a really wonderful thing.”

Mrs Bowden, Deputy Head Academic is co-ordinating the project with the pupils and discusses how being part of this wonderful community project has positively benefited the children. “Radio Repton has provided the children with the perfect platform to explore and challenge their ability to perform to a very alternative audience. The opportunity to share their work with the local community has provided many with the additional motivation to complete their work to the best of their ability, which has proven invaluable during the home learning period. Elia (Form 3) was particularly thrilled with the idea of hearing her own voice on the ‘actual radio’, which resulted in a beautifully constructed 8-page recount story of Fantastic Mr Fox!!! It was without a doubt, one of the best pieces of written work from a Form 3 pupil. Elia is really looking forward to entering the Radio Repton story competition!”

Tom B (Form 6), Head Boy reflected on what he enjoyed most when creating his jokes for Radio Repton. “I thought that if I read the jokes, people from all around the world would feel much happier and most importantly make them laugh. What’s a joke if people don’t laugh? I hope the people who listened to it did laugh, especially at my knock, knock joke. ‘Knock knock … who’s there? Cow’s go! Cows go who.’ That one really tickled our funny bones.

Dulcie U (Form 5), also discussed what motivated her to create content for the radio station. “I know my nan and grandad are very bored so I thought it would be something for them to listen to when they have nothing to do. Also, I was bored and loved practicing ‘Little Miss Muffet’ which is one of my LAMDA pieces and I wanted to share it”.

I will definitely be doing some more jokes in the future”.

To keep up to date with the weekly schedule, follow Radio Repton of Twitter.

This week on Radio Repton we have Alex (Form 6) performing a piano recital. Click here to listen to more.

Categories: Prep School
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